Saturday, August 14, 2010

I'm in love with the Matrix

Matrix or Quantum field, what ever you want to call it.  It's that field of energy that flows around you and allows you to pick up on moods within the room just as you walk in.  It's the field of energy that the HeartMath Institute deem to be about 10 feet around you.  It's the field that some quantum physicists (such as Dr Bruce Lipton) believe holds information about you that helps your body react to your environment according to your memories.

Speaking of memories, I have been hearing a lot about memories and research on the local ABC radio station recently and just how unreliable they are!  They took two people who came in pairs to the experiment and then showed them the same sequence of footage with slightly different details of the event (being a staged robbery).  They then allowed the two people to discuss the event and despite not seeing some of the details (such as the robber wearing a hat) the witness swore that the detail they remembered was true.  It seems that if we discuss the event with another witness and are given details we then believe that to be true and our memory is changed with that information.  Says a lot for witnesses of a crime hey?

Why do I bring this up?  Welll just think of your childhood memories... and if you have siblings, have you discussed this memory?  Have you found that they remember different things?  I bet you have...  The thing is our memories are tainted with miss information and without the perspective that we have today.  So if you suffered a major trauma, like I did, when you were young, you any anyone else involved could never recount the actual truthful factual account of the event.  Why?  Because our emotions and our reptilian brain get in the way!

The reptilian brain switches us from healthy growth mode (creating cells and such) to fight, flight and freeze reaction mode (immune and digestion suppressing) and does not know reason, it just responds to a perceived threat.  All of our big traumas (life changing) and little traumas (the times where we were not in danger but still emotionally affected us) are stored away as memories for future reference by our unconscious mind so that we can know how to react to a situation.  The issue with this is that by remaining unconscious, we respond the same way as we did when the first trauma happened so sometimes we can still be responding from memories we created when we were little and that can't be helpful!  By being aware, we are able to overcome these old reactions.

The matrix, or quantum field is where these memories are stored, according to Dr Bruce Lipton.  I'm loving the matrix because I am in the process of revisiting so much of my childhood and re-imprinting it so that I can now (in the present) respond from a more enlightened, empowered and resourceful way.  Because, ultimately if my memory is flawed because of my experience and response to it, then it serves me no purpose to hold onto that and remain in victim mode.  It beats responding from a 4 year olds perspective!