Friday, January 1, 2010

A New Decade... Will it bring you peace & joy?

A New Decade, Will it Bring You Peace & Joy?
At this time of year many people decide that this year will be different! This year they will make a change and for once and for all get off that treadmill! Then they make a goal, a date to start and throw themselves in to it or find reasons why they can't start this week. For those that throw themselves in at the deep end, only a few will make it to the other end. For those who don't, then the treadmill appears again, they revert to previous behaviour, they beat themselves up, they let down their family, friends and themselves and they get nowhere. Why does this happen!

A combination of factors keeps us on our treadmills but for the most part it's our pre-programming. For every experience from the mundane, to family and social upsets and to the extreme trauma's that occur in our lives, our unconscious mind looks at our previous experiences and determines how we react based on what we've done before (hence the concept of programming).

OK so here's an easy example. Sue wants to lose weight... her unconscious mind reacts to that thought by search for what happened the last time (or few) when she tried? Previously Sue lost some weight and everyone noticed and gave her lots of comments, she was really noticed. However, after a while, Sue found that it was really kind of annoying because they didn't say nice things to her before and she knows that there’s more to her than her looks! Then Sue went through some work stress and the weight crept back on again and she started to feel bad about myself again... and the comments stopped and she felt ashamed... thinking why can't I just keep it off!

Know anyone who's done this? Or stopped smoking only to start it up again a few months later? Or said that this year they were going to change their job because they hated the one they were in and yet didn’t do anything about it?
Your unconscious mind saw that it didn't work last time, or the time before and it wasn't much fun when you did, or it felt too unsafe to make the change permanent and therefore it uses the same program again or it tries to sabotage you from starting so that each effort has to be greater and bigger than the last time you tried.

Then when you combine the devastating physical effects of being stressed, you set yourself up for failure and worse... illness or dis-ease.  If you want to know what stress can do to you, just watch this excert from David Marc, an expert in the psychology of eating, as he talks about the important role stress plays in digestion and how it can stop you from loosing weight.

On the other side of the coin, many people can remember a time when they did identify a new goal, one that they have never thought of before and it happened relatively easily. That's because their unconscious mind hasn't had a negative program to use before and most likely they truly did believe they could do it and so did it. However, the older you become, the harder it seems to launch into a goal and achieve it as we have a lot more experiences to prove to ourselves that we aren’t worthy, or failed before or are not clever, strong or have enough will power and so forth. We’ve been running these programs for years and we didn’t even know it!

So how do you re-program yourself when your programs are not working for you? Our minds use our five senses and are largely visual and auditory when we store our programs. What we need to do is reprogram our negative associations by searching and finding the memory (the one that set up the program in the first place) and release the trauma that we are still holding on to. Then the next step is to give it a new positive program instead. That way when your unconscious mind goes to look for the program it has one that is more empowering for you. It could also mean that many memories need to be resolved before the program is released. The process we use at the Coffs Body and Mind Connection is called Matrix Re-Imprinting and it is very gentle and relaxing. It can be done over the phone or face to face and can be used on one or a string of memories to release the old patterns and make way for the new ones. The new patterns can then be laid in through hypnosis and time line therapy and the outcome is a transformation of your future. Contact us today to rewrite your past and transform your future.

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