Wednesday, November 25, 2009

What went wrong?

I'm absolutely enthralled at the moment with the idea that with modernisation and science, we've lost so much and put our earth, health and future at risk.  The information that I have read and watched over the last week has been enlightening to say the least.

First one is the new book by Dan Brown - the Lost Symbol.  Now, I do love Dan Brown's work, he writes such thrillers about historic data which sends people into frenzies on whether what he's written is fact or fiction.  I'm not going to weigh into the debate.  What I do like about his book, so far (I haven't finished it yet) is the mentioning of Noetic Science.... I didn't even know that this science existed and yet I work with it almost on a daily basis! states that their mission is to advance the science of consciousness and human experience to serve individual and collective transformation.  How fantastic is that!  The book explains that it is about the potential of the human consciousness to transform, heal and read the human information field or conscious blue print of every living thing on this planet.

The second piece of information I received yesterday is the film - The Living Matrix.  I saw about 10 minutes of this at the EFT extravaganza conference I attended a couple of weeks ago and knew I had to see the whole thing.  I can't recommend it highly enough to anyone in the healing/alternative health or even mainstream medicine fields.  It talks about the human morphogenic field which is energetic and which our cells use to determine how to react.  The old Newtonian way of believing that we are machines does not hold true any longer and there is a split in the scientific world now between the old physics and the quantum physics world.  This film shows how you can help yourself and tells you why you shouldn't just trust the current medical model to help you get well.  It's too limited and they work in the dark about why you are unwell in the first place.  Did you also know that it is well known that over 1/3 of medical cures are because of the Placebo effect?  The Placebo effect is where the person's belief that the cure will work actually cures the person.  The film provides one example where a number of arthritic patients were selected to have the same operation on their knees and half of them were only cut open and then closed and yet up to 3 years later they were saying how much better they were and had no further pain.  Nothing had been done to them other than supplying stitches!

Lastly... I subscribe to the Food Matters newsletters and they have released this free 1/2 hour documentary on the Gamo Highlands of the African Rift Valley and the unique worldview held by the people of the region. This isolated area has remained remarkably intact both biologically and culturally. It is one of the most densely populated rural regions of Africa yet its people have been farming sustainably for 10,000 years. It shows how much we have lost in the green industrial revolution since the 1950s.   I also love the fact that they have a spiritual approach to growing their own food and give thanks to the creator and to the mountains.  Watch it here:


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