Saturday, October 31, 2009

Viva le Revolution!

For as long as I can remember my family always had some form of veggie patch in suburbia Melbourne and Canberra. When I moved out of home, it wasn't until I moved into my first rental house that I could start growing veggies again and it didn't take me long to get back into it - even as a single mum at the time, I loved the idea of going out the back and picking what I was going to eat that night.

Most people don't bother. They just go to one of the big super markets and purchase their food there. It's convenient. But at what cost? Listen to any media these days and they are reporting higher obesity levels, increased cancer, diabetes and disorders such as ADHD and Autism. Food allergies and sensitivities have gone through the roof also. When are we going to realise that our move to production and processed food is in line with the increase of dis-ease and dis-orders we are experiencing today? A move to a natural, sustainable approach is on the way... not only because many people don't want chemical, genetically modified food, but because we have to.

How much more can you're body take? A veggie garden doesn't have to take hours each weekend and by getting the kids involved, then you create interest and ownership in the food that lands on the table. I found this Youtube movie inspiring, hopefully you will too.

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